The road of life is seldom a straightforward one

The road of life is seldom a straightforward one. Plans give way, unforeseen obstacles emerge and loss can occur at the snap of a finger. In these dark instances, it is easy, tempting even, to give in to despair. And while we must acknowledge there is no sudden cure all for hardship and grief that arise inevitably in life, we must also take care not to let our pain limit our capabilities as free-thinking human beings, chief among them our ability to choose. It is choice that allows us to adapt and grow when confronted with difficulty, to push through personal setbacks, to recognize the time to change our favorites and to make room in our lives for these changes.


Much of what happens in life is not within our control, yet how we respond to these hurdles is. Take for instance, grandparents who cherish their time spent with their family. The hours enjoyed with their grandchildren, watching them grow up before their very eyes and being along for the ride, the coveted weekends together down the shore or afternoons at the park or picking apples in the last vestiges of summer light; incredible experiences not to be traded for the world. Then, suddenly, their family is forced to relocate a sizable distance away for a career opportunity.


As swiftly as that, these beloved moments that would make up the majority of the grandparents’ free days, become fleeting, monthly to yearly occurrences. While this can feel like a devastating loss for these grandparents, ultimately how it affects them rests solely with their reaction to this twist of fate. Only they can make the decision that is right for them, one that allows them to create a new atmosphere of joy for themselves.


Indeed, it is only when we choose to look for alternate paths to happiness in the face of hardship that we truly embrace our power in our lives as healthy, fulfilled individuals. We must give ourselves permission to be happy again and to seek out new opportunities that will make this possible. Through this process of personal adaptation, these grandparents may find room for new joys and hobbies, while still cherishing every instance of family time when it comes around. Their joy in life is not defined nor defeated by this loss, as they adapt and allow space in their hearts for new favorites. It may not be a choice they would have ever imagined making for themselves, yet in this act of adaptation, there is strength and growth, and space again for happiness. While our reach and control may be finite in life, changing our favorites is an option that we always have at our disposal, one that can be truly beneficial to those who choose to embrace it.