Consistency and the Gift of Small Beginnings One of the greatest tools in our arsenal as evolving human beings is consistency. It is consistency in any field or task that leads to growth, understanding and ultimately, mastery. Whether a white belt in karate who must hone his movements precisely or a student learning to play the piano and getting a feel for the keys, these are areas that require practice, discipline and of course, consistency. There will inevitably be setbacks in our pursuits and that is when this trait is truly invaluable, as it sees us dust ourselves off and try again tomorrow. 

Consistency is knowing yourself and the goals you wish to achieve, and day by day, working to achieve them. It is building incrementally to a future or outcome, one that we manifest for ourselves and push towards at our own pace. Even in the face of hardship or struggle, a consistent drive sees us through it all. Progress will vary as everyone’s journey is different, but true consistency comes with the fundamental understanding that even when things do not come naturally to us, we can still challenge ourselves to learn and improve with time. 

Consistency is granting ourselves the grace of patience and time. A particular bible verse (Zechariah 4:10) that resonates with this idea reads, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” No matter the size or the speed of one’s progress, we should not dash towards a finish line, tempting as it may be, but instead embrace these first steps, for this alone takes an abundance of courage. 

We must be patient with ourselves and not be discouraged by shaky, sporadic beginnings. True measures of success and progress are best judged when looking backwards at how far we’ve come. It is this kind of macro, big-picture mentality that consistency offers us, one that forgives the fumbling of today for the lesson that it bestows tomorrow. We are all working towards something in life, mastery of a particular skill or implementing a change to be the people we wish to become, and our internal drives determine how successful we are in these deeply personal endeavors. That is why, above all else, we should practice not only consistency, but kindness to ourselves along this ever growing, unexpected journey.