Change is a concept so malleable to an individual’s will and circumstance that it can be difficult to
specifically define in terms that are relatable to all of us. The word alone may conjure up feelings of
hope and promise in some yet dread and anxiety for others.

Regardless of the impact is makes or how it is received, inevitable change will constantly present itself
throughout the course of everyone’s life. Sometimes it will hit us like a powerful gust of wind and other
times, it will slowly introduce itself over the passage of time. This type of change is known to us all and
while they may sometimes cause discomfort, they are central to our growth.

Simply growing up is filled with a series of inevitable changes. Little girls move beyond their enthusiasm
for Barbie dolls, trading in toys for mystery novels, or whatever other interests may emerge as time
passes. Inevitable change can be seen as a maturation in terms of physicality as well as ideals, which
shift and evolve over the years as we learn more about who we are.

The natural transformation of growing, evolving and changing should be embraced, but it should not
invalidate the experiences and emotions of our past. In fact, we should look back at our pasts – our
hobbies, our relationships, our careers — with open-mindedness, kindness and compassion, not

When we revisit our history and identify what we love about ourselves rather than criticizing what may
or may not have been bad decisions, we will become more self-aware, recognizing what motivates us,
what brings us joy, what fills our voids. We need to remember that oftentimes, bad decision helped us
learn the most important lessons. This insight will guide us to properly identify what changes—what
new favorites– will set us on the best course for real growth.