While we have spoken a great deal about the various types of change and their influence in our
lives, none of these types is more relevant to our phrase “It’s Time to Change your Favorites,” than
Internalized Change. Unlike inevitable change, it will not merely occur on its own, but instead requires
deliberate action and discipline to see it come to fruition. It is the conscious thought process of altering
one’s behavior, such as eliminating bad or outdated habits for the long-term betterment of oneself. As
we discussed in our very first post, my weekend trips to the boardwalk were once delightfully indulgent
affairs, filled with snacks and shoreside sweets, but it was only when I made the determination within
myself to stop and reduce these sugary treats for my own well-being, that I was truly able to unlock an
internalized change for myself.

Due to its very nature, to truly find purchase in one’s mind, internalized change must be
accepted from within. And like any other internal battle, it is a process of trial and error, acceptance and
rejection, success and failure. To accept the need for internalized change is merely the beginning of this
personal journey, and every day after is one step forward on a winding road. As anyone who has
struggled with addiction of any kind can attest, it is only persistent, deliberate change that will see these
habits broken in favor of something new for the you of today.

And we must not be discouraged by failure or setbacks throughout this process, as it is both an
inevitable and crucial part of our own personal evolution. We strive for change and in the process, we
manifest the reality we want for ourselves. Be it breaking bad habits, coming to terms with past trauma
or overcoming any kind of addiction, internalized change is the first step on the road to Changing your
Favorites, a road truly worth discovering for yourself.