Today I’d like to explore instances where one discovers a passion or hobby later in life. After all, we are complex beings, constantly changing and evolving through the sum of our experiences. It is only natural for new interests to take root and form along this journey.  

Gardening was a particular passion that I had not found until as recently as a few years ago, yet once I began, I instantly felt a sense of peace and purpose. Working with my hands, tending to the soil and watching my plants grow and flourish in the summer months was a unique and beautiful thing that I felt belonged just to me. In fact, I was almost dismayed that it had taken me so long to discover this interest, that I couldn’t reap these positive benefits for myself much sooner. It can be easy to fall into this thought process, yet we should also be conscious of what is in our control and what is not.  

When we are open to possibilities, it is easier to make way for new favorites in our lives. I appreciate the act of gardening so much more having discovered it for myself, and while it certainly would have been enjoyable to garden in my youth, I now understand I found this hobby exactly when I needed to. When we trust in ourselves, and approach situations with patience and an open mind, that is when we are capable of uncovering what is truly beneficial to us in this life.