Persistence: Strength of our own Making

As we set out to accomplish what we want for ourselves in life, be it career achievements or mastering a new skill, approaching these tasks with persistence is a key factor in determining our success. Not unlike consistency, a persistent mentality guides us through the many unforeseen hurdles and roadblocks that may arise along our journey. It is an understanding that progress may be incremental and that we should not despair when we cannot accomplish what we wish for ourselves overnight. This is the beauty of small beginnings, as we have mentioned before. It is beneficial to understand our limitations and to set clear boundaries for ourselves in accomplishing our goals within a realistic timeframe. Opening a small business has been a process rife with complications, as I have discovered in my own professional endeavors, yet with a strong, persistent drive and the aid of a reliable team, I am able to weather these storms with
relative ease.

In the face of adversity, we should not be afraid to lean on our support systems, be it reliable friends, family, employees or even the invaluable tutelage of mentors, each of which serve as a boon to our spirits when outside forces threaten to bring us low. Not everyone in our lives will support our endeavors and in fact, some may actively stand in our way. That is what makes the trusted support of these allies’ paramount, elevating us over the haze of hatred to brighter horizons and possibilities, to what we know ourselves to be capable of when we stay the course. It is truly that much easier to ignore the naysayers when we can look to our teams for guidance and affirmation, to know that our individual cheerleaders are at our backs, propelling us forward.

At its core, this is what persistence is truly about; It is the strength we muster, both within ourselves and through trusted outside sources, to achieve what we wish for ourselves in this life. There is no mountain too great to climb, no business endeavor too far out of reach when we approach these tasks and unforeseen complications with a persistent mindset. It affords us a mental fortitude to repel the haters and internal doubt as we steel ourselves and march onward, inching ever closer towards our dreams and goals.